Privacy policy

The goods sold through the Site are described by type, quality and quantity therein. The Company is not responsible for possible differences in the colors of the purchased Goods due to the specifics of the computer screens. The application for purchase of the Goods / Goods is accepted as a written consent expressed by the User regarding the type, quality and quantity of the Goods / Goods


Deliveries are made to the address or office of a courier specified in the order. Upon receipt of the goods, the delivery price is paid, which is paid to the courier and is not included in the final price of the site.

The cancellation of an already placed order can be done through the contact form, phone or by email.

Payment for the ordered goods:

* Payment in cash – on site at our site

* Payment on delivery (cash on delivery)

Upon receipt of the ordered goods, you pay the amount due to the courier. It is indicated in the price of the order.

* Bank payment


Complaints are subject to Goods that do not meet the quality requirements specified on the Site and / or accompanying certificates, instructions for use and others, insofar as such are issued for the product / Goods, as well as those that upon delivery to the User contain obvious shortcomings / the difference in the shade of the colors is not considered a shortcoming, and this cannot be a reason for returning the goods !!! /. For this purpose, upon delivery, the User notes on the bill of lading, the presence of obvious defects and / or discrepancies in the quantity, otherwise it is considered that the quantity of goods corresponds to the ordered and the contract is fulfilled exactly.

Except in cases of discrepancy in the quantity of complaints regarding purchased and delivered Goods may be made within 14 days from the date of delivery.

According to the Consumer Protection Act (CPA), the goods received by the customer, due to the nature of online trade, can be returned within 14 days after purchase, from the date of delivery, without explicit grounds, by transport at the expense of as long as the condition of the goods is the same as at the time of delivery to the customer (including intact packaging).

If you have a complaint, you can contact us at +359898693087 or email us at

If you have a problem with online shopping, you can contact

Online dispute resolution platform

Refusal policy

We guarantee the quality of all our products. If, however, they do not meet your requirements, you have the right to cancel one or more items from the order within 14 days of receiving it by contacting us at +359898693087 or by email office @ maskpro. eu.

Please take care of the products while they are with you, as well as when you return them to avoid damage or loss during transportation.

Please keep the following in mind when returning goods:

The refund of the amount of the rejected item (s) after confirmation by our employee that the returned goods meet the criteria above, is carried out in the form of the original method of payment, ie. if you paid by debit card, the amount is refunded by credit transaction on the same card, within 14 working days of receipt of the returned goods. In case of payment by cash on delivery or bank transfer, the amount for the returned item (s) will be refunded by bank transfer to the bank account you have specified.

We do not refund items returned after the 14th day of receipt, damaged, used items or those with damaged packaging. In these cases we will return the items back at your expense.

The policy of refusal to purchase does not violate the consumer rights of the customer in cases of defective / damaged goods.

Rights and obligations of the User

The User has the right to view, order and receive the Goods from the Site under the terms and conditions specified therein.

The User has the right to be informed about the status of his Order.

The User has the right to delivery of the ordered Goods / Goods to the specified delivery address, after confirmation by phone.

The User is obliged to pay the price of his Order according to the manner announced on the Site.

Each User, regardless of whether he has placed an Order or not, undertakes when using the Site:

* Not to violate and respect the rights and freedoms of citizens, according to the Constitution, the laws of the Republic of Bulgaria and international acts to which it is a party, the rules of morality, good manners and Internet ethics;

* Not to violate other people’s property or non-property, absolute or relative rights and interests, such as property rights, intellectual property rights, etc .;

* Do not commit malicious acts.* Do not commit malicious acts.

Rights and obligations of MaskPro

Has the right, but not the obligation, to store materials and information used / located on our server or made available to third parties by the User, and to provide them to third parties and relevant government agencies in cases where this is necessary to preserve the rights and the legitimate interests, property and security of, as well as third parties, in cases of claims for infringement of their rights in relation to used or disseminated information or materials, as well as in cases where the materials or information are required by state bodies, by virtue of an explicit legal provision.

MaskPro has the right at any time, without notifying the User, when the latter uses the site in violation of these terms and conditions, and at the discretion of MaskPro, to terminate the user’s access to the Site. MaskPro shall not be liable to Users and third parties for damages and lost profits resulting from the termination, suspension, modification or restriction of access, deletion, modification, loss, inaccuracy, inaccuracy, or incompleteness of messages, materials or information transmitted, used, , recorded or made available through the Site

The user is obliged to compensate MaskPro and all third parties for all damages and lost profits, including any costs and paid attorney’s fees incurred as a result of claims and / or paid compensation to third parties in connection with the Website, hyperlinks, materials or information that the User has used, posted on our server, sent, distributed, made available to third parties or made available through MaskPro in violation of the law, these Terms and Conditions, good manners or Internet ethics.

MaskPro has the right to send a weekly newsletter to the Users of the site, if they have confirmed their desire to do so. This letter contains current promotions, new products, news for upcoming holidays, fresh gift ideas and more. MaskPro has no right to send this letter to Users who have explicitly stated that they do not wish to receive it.

MaskPro has the right to collect and use information about its Users.

The information under the previous article can be used by MaskPro, except in case of explicit disagreement of the User, sent to the following e-mail address MaskPro collects and uses the information to improve the supply of the Goods and the satisfaction of consumer needs. All purposes for which MaskPro will use the information will be in accordance with Bulgarian legislation, applicable international acts, good manners and Internet ethics.

MaskPro guarantees to its Users the confidentiality of the provided information and personal data. The latter will not be used, provided or brought to the notice of third parties except in the cases and under the conditions specified in these General Terms and Conditions.

MaskPro has the right to install cookies on the users’ computers. They are text files that are saved by the Website on the User’s hard drive and allow the recovery of information about the User, identifying and allowing tracking of his actions, the Internet pages he visits, the hyperlinks he uses, the information he uses and records others.

Protection of personal data. Confidentiality.

According to the Personal Data Protection Act, the User has the right to access his personal data, which he has entered or have become available to MaskPro when using it on the Site, as well as to correct this personal data.

Users who have filled in the registration form and have accepted these general terms and conditions expressly agree that the personal data provided by them will be processed by MaskPro electronically upon delivery of ordered goods or services.

Users provide their personal data voluntarily in order to identify them in the process of using the Site and they can be stored, processed and used by MaskPro for the purposes of maintaining the services offered and for the purposes of advertising goods and services offered in the retail chain stores of MaskPro such as receiving newsletters, SMS messages and other news.

MaskPro declares that the personal data provided by the Users of the site are not transferred to third parties for advertising, promotional and / or any other purposes.

MaskPro reserves the right to use the IP addresses and other data of Users to reveal their identity in cases where this is necessary on the basis of an order of a relevant government agency, issued in due course, or in order to comply with legal procedures, or to comply with the general conditions of the e-commerce site.


Unless explicitly stated otherwise, all notifications related to the order and delivery of Goods through the Site are made on the telephone numbers / contact addresses announced in a prominent place on the Site and respectively on the specified telephone numbers / contact address of the User – including e-mail addresses. The user can find out about the status of his order at any time in the section “My orders” The notifications made in this way are considered duly received until proven otherwise.

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